S.No | Title | Link |
1. | Battery Monitoring System for Electric Vehicle Using IoT | Battery Monitoring System for Electric Vehicle Using IoT |
2. | NutriFact For Fitness Enthusiasts | NutriFact For Fitness Enthusiasts |
3. | Hybrid Cryptography Data Security Tool | Hybrid Cryptography Data Security Tool |
4. | A Comprehensive Analysis of Various Multilevel Inverter Topologies: A Critical Assessment | A Comprehensive Analysis of Various Multilevel Inverter Topologies A Critical Assessment |
5. | Automatic Power Supply Control From Four Different Sources | Automatic Power Supply Control From Four Different Sources |
6. | Design of AutomatedAquaponics System | Design of Automated Aquaponics System |
7. | Semantic Search using Transformers | Semantic Search using Transformers |
8. | Disease Detection in CardamomLeaves using SVM Algorithm | Disease Detection in Cardamom Leaves using SVM Algorithm |
9. | Dental Carries Division andDetection | Dental Carries Division and Detection |
10. | Hand Gesture-Based Speaking System for Mute People | Hand Gesture-Based Speaking System for Mute People |
11. | Intelligent Attendance Management System using Facial Recognition in University Classrooms | Intelligent Attendance Management System using Facial Recognition in University Classrooms |
12. | Co-gasification of rice husk and sewage sludge in the fluidized bed gasifier | .Co-gasification of municipal solid waste and palm kernel shell in a fluidized bed gasifier |
13. | Iot Based Medicine Reminder PillboxSystem for Patient and Pharmacist | IOT BASED MEDICINE REMINDER PILLBOX SYSTEM FOR PATIENT AND PHARMACIST |
14. | Image Enhancement from low light Image using Median Filter | Image Enhancement from low light Image using Median Filter |
15. | Enhancing IoT Security: Web Spam Detection with Machine Learning | Enhancing IoT Security Web Spam Detection with Machine Learning |
16. | Smart Sensitive Windows and its Applications | Smart Sensitive Windows and its Applications |
17. | Footstep Power Generation using Piezoelectric Technology | Footstep Power Generation using Piezoelectric Technology |
18. | Smart Restaurant Management through WebApplication | 18. Smart Restaurant Management through Web Application |
19. | Plant Disease Detection using CNN Model | 19. Plant Disease Detection using CNN Model |
20. | Real-Time Anticipation and Prevention of Hot Spots by Monitoring the Dynamic Conductance of Photovoltaic Panels | 20.Real-Time Anticipation and Prevention of Hot Spots by Monitoring the Dynamic Conductance of Photovoltaic Panels |
21. | Sign Language Recognition using Machine Learning | 21. Sign Language Recognition using Machine Learning |
22. | Smart Exam Paper Protection System | 22.Smart Exam Paper Protection System |
23. | Prediction of Stock Market using Long ShortTerm Memory Algorithm | 23.Prediction of Stock Market using Long Short Term Memory Algorithm |
24. | Uncovering Customer Insights with CLV | 24. Uncovering Customer Insights with CLV |
25. | IoT based Mobile Application for Supervision Surveillance | 25.IoT based Mobile Application for Supervision Surveillance |
26. | Mouse Cursor Control Based on Facial Movement and Voice Recognition | 26.Mouse Cursor Control Based on Facial Movement and Voice Recognition |
27. | IoT based Medicine Reminder Pillbox System to Patient and Pharmacist | IOT BASED MEDICINE REMINDER PILLBOX SYSTEM FOR PATIENT AND PHARMACIST |
28. | A Deep Learning based Tire Quality Inspection System | 28.A Deep Learning based Tire Quality Inspection System |
29. | Co-gasification of almond shell and microalgae in a fluidized bed gasifier | 29.Co-gasification of almond shell and microalgae in a fluidized bed gasifier |
30. | Co-gasification of municipal solid waste and palmkernel shell in a fluidized bed gasifier | 30.Co-gasification of municipal solid waste and palm kernel shell in a fluidized bed gasifier |
31. | Modern Methods to Arrest Power Theft | 31. Modern Methods to Arrest Power Theft |