June 2023

S.NoTitle Link
1.Battery Monitoring System for Electric
Vehicle Using IoT
Battery Monitoring System for Electric Vehicle Using IoT
2.NutriFact For Fitness EnthusiastsNutriFact For Fitness Enthusiasts
3.Hybrid Cryptography Data Security ToolHybrid Cryptography Data Security Tool
4.A Comprehensive Analysis of Various
Multilevel Inverter Topologies:
A Critical Assessment
A Comprehensive Analysis of Various Multilevel Inverter Topologies A Critical Assessment
5.Automatic Power Supply Control
From Four Different Sources
Automatic Power Supply Control From Four Different Sources
6.Design of AutomatedAquaponics System Design of Automated Aquaponics System
7.Semantic Search using TransformersSemantic Search using Transformers
8.Disease Detection in CardamomLeaves
using SVM Algorithm
Disease Detection in Cardamom Leaves using SVM Algorithm
9.Dental Carries Division andDetection Dental Carries Division and Detection
10.Hand Gesture-Based Speaking System for Mute
Hand Gesture-Based Speaking System for Mute People
Intelligent Attendance Management System using Facial Recognition in University
Intelligent Attendance Management System using Facial Recognition in University Classrooms
12.Co-gasification of rice husk and sewage sludge in the fluidized bed gasifier.Co-gasification of municipal solid waste and palm kernel shell in a fluidized bed gasifier
13.Iot Based Medicine Reminder PillboxSystem for Patient and PharmacistIOT BASED MEDICINE REMINDER PILLBOX SYSTEM FOR PATIENT AND PHARMACIST
14.Image Enhancement from low light Image using Median FilterImage Enhancement from low light Image using Median Filter
15. Enhancing IoT Security: Web Spam Detection
with Machine Learning
Enhancing IoT Security Web Spam Detection with Machine Learning
16.Smart Sensitive Windows and its ApplicationsSmart Sensitive Windows and its Applications
17.Footstep Power Generation using Piezoelectric Technology Footstep Power Generation using Piezoelectric Technology
18.Smart Restaurant Management through
18. Smart Restaurant Management through Web Application
19.Plant Disease Detection using CNN Model19. Plant Disease Detection using CNN Model
20.Real-Time Anticipation and Prevention of Hot Spots by Monitoring the Dynamic Conductance of Photovoltaic Panels20.Real-Time Anticipation and Prevention of Hot Spots by Monitoring the Dynamic Conductance of Photovoltaic Panels
21.Sign Language Recognition using Machine
21. Sign Language Recognition using Machine Learning
22.Smart Exam Paper Protection System22.Smart Exam Paper Protection System
23. Prediction of Stock Market using Long ShortTerm Memory Algorithm23.Prediction of Stock Market using Long Short Term Memory Algorithm
24. Uncovering Customer Insights with CLV24. Uncovering Customer Insights with CLV
25. IoT based Mobile Application for Supervision
25.IoT based Mobile Application for Supervision Surveillance
26.Mouse Cursor Control Based on Facial Movement and Voice Recognition26.Mouse Cursor Control Based on Facial Movement and Voice Recognition
27. IoT based Medicine Reminder Pillbox System to Patient and PharmacistIOT BASED MEDICINE REMINDER PILLBOX SYSTEM FOR PATIENT AND PHARMACIST
28. A Deep Learning based
Tire Quality Inspection System
28.A Deep Learning based Tire Quality Inspection System
29. Co-gasification of almond shell and microalgae in a fluidized bed gasifier29.Co-gasification of almond shell and microalgae in a fluidized bed gasifier
30. Co-gasification of municipal solid waste and palmkernel shell in a fluidized bed gasifier30.Co-gasification of municipal solid waste and palm kernel shell in a fluidized bed gasifier
31.Modern Methods to Arrest Power Theft31. Modern Methods to Arrest Power Theft